In Budget 2016-2017, Minister Leitão announced the expansion and enhancement of the ClimatSol-Plus grant program.

ClimatSol-Plus is a grant program to assist municipalities and businesses in the rehabilitation of their urban contaminated lands. Financial assistance is in the range of 30% to 50% of eligible costs, but may be up to 70%.Projects of a “sustainable” or “collective” nature are eligible.

Projects on contaminated lands often require several preparatory steps. The ClimatSol-Plus program takes into account these steps, including the costs for soil tests, which are also known as the Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I) and Environmental Characterization (Phase II). Other preparatory steps for environmental rehabilitation are also eligible for this grant.

Decontamination works are also eligible and the Department increases the grant for projects that provide innovative techniques to rehabilitate the land.

The ClimatSol-Plus financial assistance program is directed to municipalities and private companies. In the latter case, however, there are two conditions that state that the site contamination must not originate from the owner’s actions. More specifically, provided that:

  • the applicant has not produced, dropped, cleared or released, in whole or in part, contaminants under section 1 of the Land Protection and Rehabilitation Regulations, nor has authorized the production, dropping, clearing or release prior to the date of application;


  • since May 10, 2007, the land was not owned, leased by nor under the custody of any party responsible for producing, dropping, clearing and releasing, in whole or in part, contaminants under section 1 of the Land Protection and Rehabilitation Regulations, or authorized to do so.

Other eligibility criteria also exist and cannot be summarized in a few lines. It is by discussing with Environnement PH that you can clearly establish if your project qualifies.

We have experience submitting similar grant applications and can explain to you the steps required by this environmental rehabilitation assistance program. Environnement PH has a team of experienced professionals in site decontamination. We are constantly seeking solutions for our clients. Our multidisciplinary team of environmental professionals, geologists, engineers and technologists can advise you in the various stages of your approach.

Government Portal – ClimatSol Program Information

Budget 2016-2017 Speech