If contamination is found on a property, a Phase 4 will be required, which is the decontamination process.
The decontamination work includes the implementation of a rehabilitation plan based on the results of environmental characterization works and in accordance with the Soil Protection and Contaminated Sites Rehabilitation. Decontamination is then conducted to comply with the environmental criteria relevant to zoning and/or the use of the property.
Our team will provide you with decontamination work that meets your needs while accounting for the limitations and features of the site.
Soil decontamination
Soils can be excavated from the site (ex situ approach) and transported to an authorized site. They can also be handled onsite through in-situ processing techniques.
As the name indicates, in situ treatments have the advantage of allowing the soil to be decontaminated onsite, without excavation. So they enable the decontamination of hard-to-reach sites. However, in situ methods do not apply to all contamination cases and their efficiency is dependent on several factors.
Surface and ground water decontamination
Groundwater contamination is intimately linked to soil contamination; as it flows through the soil, it can contribute to the spread of contaminants.
In the event of soil intervention, an upwelling of contaminated water can occur around the excavation which must be pumped and treated before it can be drained into the sewer system.
In some cases, floating contaminants will have to be extracted and the source of contamination will have to be addressed to eliminate active contamination. A monitoring of groundwater quality may then be recommended.